22 篇
phpExcel导入提示iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string
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237 0 2024-03-11 ThinkPHP5.1
phpExcel导入提示iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string 用phpExcel导出excel文件,再导出,结果出错 但是手动创建的excel导入,不会提示这个错误 为什么会出错呢? 打印$from,$to,$value看看是什么...
<b>Deprecated</b>: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in
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380 0 2023-11-01 PHP
Uncaught transport.js/parseResult() error: can't parse to JSON. <br /> <b>Deprecated</b>:  Array and string offset access syntax w...
PHP simplexml_load_string() 函数
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562 0 2023-07-17 PHP
simplexml_load_string() 函数转换形式良好的 XML 字符串为 SimpleXMLElement 对象。 https://www.runoob.com/php/func-simplexml-load-string.html <?php $note=<<<XML <n...
syntax error, unexpected 'Empty' (T_EMPTY), expecting identifier (T_STRING)
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602 0 2023-06-28 ThinkPHP6
tp6控制器命名为Empty,结果提示错误 syntax error, unexpected 'Empty' (T_EMPTY), expecting identifier (T_STRING) 翻译:语法错误,意外的“Empty”(T_Empty),应为标识符(T_STRING) Empty 是关键字,不可以拿来...
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802 0 2022-11-30 PHP
php怎么将数据强转为字符串类型 三种方式,直接上代码, <?php $num = 123; $str = (string)$num; echo gettype($num) . '<br>'; // Integer echo gettype($str); // string echo '<br&...
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784 0 2022-11-25 JavaScript
let fade = ["Vue.js","PHP"]; // 数组转json let json = JSON.stringify(fade); console.log(typeof json); // 判断类型 string console.log(json); // ["Vue.js","PHP"] // jso...
vscode用户代码片段Invalid characters in string. Control characters must be escaped.
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1597 0 2022-11-01 VSCode
vscode用户代码片段Invalid characters in string. Control characters must be escaped. 代码前面空格,我用tab键,提示有错误,但是可以正常使用。 后来改为两个空格,错误提示消失了。使用代码的时候,不是按两个空格算的,是按一个tab键算的
Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated原因
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984 0 2022-05-23 PHP
Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated PHP7.4不再支持使用大括号访问数组以及字符串的偏移_PHP代码 php7.4不支持数组{}写法,统一为数组[] 解决办法: seq=(ord(value{0}) % $rule...
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1112 0 2022-01-24 PHP
原标题:详解 $_SERVER 函数中QUERY_STRING和REQUEST_URI区别 区别: $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]  获取查询 语句,实例中可知,获取的是?后面的值 $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]   获取 http://localhost 后...
tp6 tpl_replace_string template.php改成view.php 定义JS、css路径
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1355 0 2021-12-07 ThinkPHP6
return [ // 模板引擎类型使用Think 'type' => 'Think', // 默认模板渲染规则 1 解析为小写+下划线 2 全部转换小写 3 保持操作方法 'auto_rule' => 1, // 模板目录名 'view_di...
wordpress错误 Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home/www/wwwroot/www.cqhqysm.com/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/PC050/admin/metaw.class.php:81
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2156 0 2021-08-02 Wordpress
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home/www/wwwroot/www.cqhqysm.com/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/PC050/admin/metaw.clas...
thinkphp5.1语法错误: unexpected 'Case' (T_CASE), expecting identifier (T_STRING)
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2116 0 2021-03-17 ThinkPHP5.1
thinkphp5.1语法错误: unexpected 'Case' (T_CASE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) Case 是关键字,不可以拿来当控制器名
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1820 0 2021-01-28 JavaScript
//截取字符串前几位 var disName ='开心一族漂亮家园'; var shortName = disName.substring(0,5); console.log(shortName);//打印结果:开心一族漂 //截取字符串后几位 var disName ='开心一族漂亮家园'; var disLength = d...
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1528 0 2020-12-11 JavaScript
原标题:用js去掉字符串的第一个字符或者最后一个字符 stringObject.substring(start,stop) //截取的是开始与结束的字符串。 stringObject.substr(start,length) //截取的是开始与字符串长度。 var str = 'abc,def,hgi'; str = s...
thinkphp错误:syntax error, unexpected 'list' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING)
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2817 0 2019-10-11 ThinkPHP
syntax error, unexpected 'list' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) 出现这个错误的原因是,list是php的一个函数,系统冲突了,改成别的名字就可以了
iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string的解决办法
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3320 0 2019-08-01 PHP
使用 iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $data); // 意思是将第一个参数utf-8编码转为第二个参数GBK编码 会报错 iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string 改为 mb_convert_encoding($data,"GBK","UT...



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评 EasySass: could not generate CSS file. See Output panel for details.
评 TP6模型事件-查询后onAfterRead不好用
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